Sermons from March 2022

Sermons from March 2022


This is the wrap up message to the series on the book of Habakkuk. In this Chapter Habakkuk worships and praises the Lord for what has been revealed to him.

Facing the Judgement

God expands on His answer to Habakkuk. The judgement of all sinners is a sure thing. It is very sobering to see the judgment of God spelled out. When facing God at the judgement, in whose shoes would you rather be: the proud, the greedy, the violent, or an idol worshiper?

Excuse Me, But I Have Another Question

When God unraveled the mystery for Habakkuk, Habakkuk is alarmed. That wasn’t the answer he was expecting. It concerns him and leads to more questions. In this message some of his questions include asking: how can anything good come out of allowing sinners to go on sinning? Why isn’t sin followed by an immediate retribution? Why is sin allowed to hammer away…

This Is Going To Hurt

Many like to read a good mystery. The journey through the book is a mystery to the reader, but not to the author. In the first chapter of Habakkuk, the reader asks the author for some answers. In this message, the mystery is identified by Habakkuk and then the mystery is unraveled by God.