Keith & Jody Hudak
Keith and Jody Hudak, our missionaries with Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE), have been serving in the field of Spain since 2003. We look forward to having them with us on Sunday, July 31, 2016 and hearing an update on their ministry. There will be a fellowship dinner following the regular morning service. More about the Hudak’s… More about…
Andy & Elizabeth Smith
Andy and Elizabeth Smith, our missionaries with Continental Baptist Missions, will be with us on Sunday, May 8th to give an update on their work. They serve as church builders with the Building Ministry of CBM. This ministry helps in every aspect of new church construction from building design to completed construction, and everything in between. This assistance normally…
Sherry Anne Concert
Sherry Anne in concert Songs of a Mother’s Heart Friday May 6th at 7:00 pm at West Clarksville Baptist Church A native of Upstate, NY, Sherry Anne is a Doctor of Chiropractic, national recording artist, speaker, writer and actress. She currently owns and operates Better Health Chiropractic where she is also certified as a fitness trainer. As “Dr.…
Fellowship Dinner
Our monthly fellowship dinner will be held after the regular worship service on Sunday, April 24
Pastor’s B.B. BBQ
Pastor would like to invite any of the guys who are interested in watching the championship game of March Madness to come over and enjoy the evening together. He’ll fire up the grill for smoked pork sandwiches. Bring a dish to pass. See you there!
Jim & Rachel Chambers
Easter Sunrise Service
Sunrise Service & Breakfast – An early morning Sunrise Service will be held at the West Clarksville Cemetery at the graveside of Pastor Chambers. Please dress warmly and assemble at 8:15. After the service, we will return to the church for a repeat service and the breakfast at 8:45, followed by Sunday School and our Morning Worship service.
Vacation Bible School
Cow-a-bunga Farm – Students will experience life on the farm—complete with animals, tractors, and growing crops. As they learn about God’s faithfulness as revealed in the life of Joseph, they’ll be encouraged to grow in godliness and to trust in God’s plan. See the Video
Doug Whitley
Doug Whitley will be with us for both the early and regular Sunday services on Palm Sunday, March 20, sharing the timeless truths of Scripture while portraying famous preachers from the past. During the early service he will be portraying James, the brother of John and telling “The Last Discourse of Christ.” The presentation is from John 14-17. James gives his…
Deacons & Trustees
Regular Monthly Deacon and Trustee Board meeting