International Day of Prayer
The focus of our prayer will be the persecuted church.
WEST Service
Our W.E.S.T. Service (Weekly Extended Service Time) offers opportunities for a variety of meaningful activities. Missionary speakers, special topical series, and relevant current subjects are among the things that will be happening during the WEST Service each week.
Kids 4 Truth
Kids 4 Truth (for grade 1 – grade 6) – Lesson Time – TruthBook Time (memory & recitation) – Song Time – Reward Time
Missionary Renate Reiner
Our missionary, Renate Reiner, will be with us on Sunday, October 8th. This will be our first opportunity to hear from her since God called her husband Home a few months ago. Renate will be speaking to the Ladies’ S.S. Class at 9:00 and again in the WEST service at 11:15 a.m. You will want to be here to encourage her & be blessed as she shares what God has been…
Sunday Services
Worship Service 10:45 am Sunday School 9:45 am Early Service 8:45 am
Prayer Meeting at Odosagih
We will have our prayer meeting at Odosagih for this night. Join us for supper in the dining hall and enjoy the evening service with Speaker Richard Green.
Living Last Supper
Good Friday Service West Clarksville Baptist Church will present a Living Last Supper on Friday, April 14, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. The Living Last Supper will portray some of the last moments of Jesus with His disciples before His crucifixion. After Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem a week earlier, He and His disciples prepared to observe the Passover feast. An upper room…
Vacation Bible School
Come to VBS and join Dr. Albert, his family and crew on their exciting adventure aboard their submarine under the sea. Learn why Jesus is the only Redeemer.
Dan & Eirana Doyle
Dan & Eirana Doyle, our missionaries with Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE), will be with us on Sunday, November 20th to give an update on their work in Nicaragua. Dan and Eirana Doyle are a godly couple who have a huge heart for sharing Jesus Christ with others. They desire to be used by God to establish local evangelical churches in Nicaragua. One…
Sportsman’s Dinner
Free dinner for sportsmen. Come and enjoy the great food and fellowship. There will be door prizes including a rifle.